
Our coverage of global economics, from inflation-fighting central banks to apprehensive financial markets

The global economy faces an exceptional moment of uncertainty. High and persistent inflation has led central banks to raise interest rates rapidly. Monetary tightening has caused banks to fail in America and house prices to wobble across the rich world. China has reopened its economy, having abandoned its “zero-covid” policy, but has not yet grown as fast as investors predicted. Still, many economies are proving surprisingly resilient to the forces that are buffeting them. The euro zone has technically entered a recession but remains stronger than feared, helped by the partial reversal of the surge in energy prices that followed Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. And labour markets continue to be strong. Read our latest economy news and analysis below to understand what is going on, why, and what may happen next.

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The US economy

At last, a convincing explanation for America’s drug-death crisis

There is a more plausible cause than despair

American life-sciences firms are moving labs downtown

They provide welcome demand even as offices shrink

How will America’s economy fare in 2024? Don’t ask a forecaster

The consensus is that there is no consensus

Why American manufacturing is becoming less efficient

The unfortunate reversal of a long-standing trend

America’s bad auto loans could have nasty consequences

The country’s credit unions are particularly exposed

America’s economy is booming. Why aren’t its bosses happier?

China’s economy

Is China understating its own export success?

The $230bn puzzle at the heart of the country’s trade figures

Will China leave behind its economic woes in 2024?

Xi Jinping must decide whether to set an ambitious growth target

Could China, Russia’s “no-limits” friend, help rebuild Ukraine?

How big a role might it play in post-war reconstruction?

China and the EU risk a trade war

Massive Chinese overcapacity in electric cars is a giant political risk for Europe

Russia’s economy

Vladimir Putin is running Russia’s economy dangerously hot

Extravagant war spending is fuelling inflation

The costs of Russia’s war are about to hit home

Vladimir Putin will be unable to protect citizens from the pain

A higher global oil price will help Russia pay for its war

The Kremlin tries new tactics to keep proceeds afloat

Russia will struggle to cope with a sinking rouble

What does the currency’s collapse mean for Vladimir Putin’s ability to wage war?

How Russia dodges diesel sanctions

Restrictions are bringing easy bucks to those who do not observe them

Asia’s economies

How to put boosters under India’s economy

With the right policies, growth could be astonishing

Will a fiscal mess thwart Japan’s nascent economic growth?

Fears first raised a quarter of a century ago may be about to come true

Israel is strangling the West Bank’s economy

Unless conditions ease, the Palestinian Authority could collapse

Is Japan’s economy at a turning point?

Wage and price inflation is coinciding with an exciting corporate renewal

How Japan poses a threat to the global financial system

Huge, reliable buyers of overseas bonds may be about to close their wallets

Sri Lanka shows how broken debt negotiations have become

The country’s creditors decide they have no choice but to freeze out China

Europe’s economies

German business is fed up with a government in disarray

And now it braces for budgetary austerity

Turkey’s economy has improved, but its foreign policy is still messy

President Erdogan’s post-election turnaround only goes so far

Southern Europe’s employment boom is not strong enough

Structural problems keep unemployment in Europe’s sun belt too high