Our Charlemagne columnist and his colleagues consider the ideas and events that shape Europe, and the quirks of life in the Euro-bubble
The French jihadi
Enfant de la Patrie
A nice French kid from Normandy turns up in Syria, beheading people for the Islamic State
Portugal's golden visas
All that glitters
Police raids suggest Portugal's scheme to sell residence permits for investments may be rotten
The EU budget
How real is Osborne's "real result"?
The claim that Britain has halved its extra payment to the EU budget relies on dubious bookkeeping
The Trichet letter
Poison pen
The former ECB head's leaked missive bolsters the Irish sense that they baild out Europe, not the other way around
German hooligans
Of riots to come
The tricky German balance between shutting down violent extremists and preserving freedom of speech
European Parliament and Commission
Pot calling kettle
European Parliament members who grilled European Commission candidates have transparency issues of their own
Italy v Brussels
No more Mr Nice Guy
Events leading up to last week’s European summit in Brussels marked a sea change in relations between Italy and the European Union
Swedish submarine hunt
What lies beneath
Sightings of a murky shape off the Stockholm archipelago bring back memories of the cold war